Monday, August 16, 2010

Virus scan software?

i have mccafee virus scan software that is now outdated (about a year old) it still good to clean my pc of any viruses and spyware? if not, is there a free virus and spyware cleaner available?

Virus scan software?computer repair

If it's that old it's out of date. A very good anti-virus program you can get is called AVG. They do have a fully functional free anti virus program. It updates itself and also scans your email. You can read more about it by going to the source link below. Hope this helps.

Virus scan software?free antivirus

go to to find not only free antivirus programs but a slew of other useful and cool programs for free, free trial, and pay. AVG is the popular choice. your subscription to mcafee only really gives you the licensing for full use of the program.....the virus definitions should still download and install.
I have AVAST. It's pretty good (especially for a free one)

..... It's not good to continue using an expired one because the virus definitions aren't updated. Virus' are created every day and everyday you remain expired is yet another virus or two your computer can't scan and delete.
If your McCaffee subscription has expired, then it will no longer effectively detect and clean all of the viruses and spyware from your PC. Viruses are constantly being created and updated, so it is very important that you keep your virus definitions up to date.

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