Monday, August 16, 2010

Am I using the right amount of security/clean-up software, or am I just paranoid?

I use quite a lot of security/clean-up software. Is this too much or am I using the right amount?

Firewall: [[ZoneAlarm]]

Anti-Virus: [[AVG Anti-Virus 7.5 Free Edition]]

Anti-Spyware: [[AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 Free Edition, Ad-Aware 2007 Free, Spybot S%26D, Windows Defender]]

Anti-Rootkit: [[AVG Anti-Rootkit 7.5 Free Edition, RootAlyzer]]

PC Cleaning: [[Disk Defragmenter in Vista, CCleaner]]

Am I using the right amount of security/clean-up software, or am I just paranoid?anti virus scan

Wow! Your computer is safer than in some areas where I live! Personally, I think you've got everything...and I mean everything covered. Way to go!

Am I using the right amount of security/clean-up software, or am I just paranoid?ariel

Paranoid. :)

Basically, you just need to make sure you don't download bad stuff that you can't trust.

Just be careful when downloading files, and always look for what type of file it is.
Wow..You've got a lot of stuff going on there. PC Security and Maintenance is a personal thing. I used to be like you and run tons of apps. But I realized that the performance hit (very small) that you get for every app bugged me more than my paranoia. I run 2 applications not. SAV (Symantec Anti Virus) 10 and Threatfire ( SAV for normal library scans and Threatfire for unknown threats. Other than that I don't really browse dangerous sites, and I know enough not to open virii in emails.

If all that stuff makes you feel secure, keep it! It's probably overkill, but if you're not having any problems from conflicts between software, no harm, no foul.
wow i only have panda lol

as long as when your downloading files

make sure its a ZIP file and scan it than open it


ur protected =)

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